Brasus Faban

The Haedrasian Brasus Faban has been living in an enclave in Cal Manar in the Inner Sea region for the better part of the past eight years, working as a low level envoy to the court of the Count. A former legionnaire, Brasus retired from service with one of the legions holding the Three Cities region, and as a result saw a relatively peaceful tenure, meaning that rather than being settled in the soldatry he was moved out to the colonies. If this bothers him at all he shows no signs of it. A talented scout and outrider, Brasus has proven an excellent courier for sensitive messages or valuable goods.


Dark of caste, his face adorned with a neat beard, Brasus looks like so many of his countrymen. His hair is braided toghtly, and fastened with brass rings, and from aside a broad, flat nose stare dark, slanting eyes, topped with a high, elegant forehead. A full, down turned mouth and determined jaw set like hewn stone are all that are remarkable about the former soldier otherwise, though his lean, long-legged silhouette is more of a rarity amongst the Kelorn realms than it is in the lands of his countrymen. Prone to simple attire, Brasus has adapted to the garb of the Kelorn regions, with soft weatherproof leathers and sturdy boots in earth tones being the usual for a life in the saddle. But the light weight Haedrasian crossbow and scrimshawed tusk spyglass remain as artefacts of his past home.


Brasus is a practical man, and an excellent problem solver, with the ability to think out a problem to its simplest proportions. Calm under pressure, Brasus is always paying attention to what's going on around him, even when he doesn't appear to be, looking for anything that might prove essential to his cause. With the faith and loyalty of all good Haedrasians, Brasus makes obeisance to Haderas daily, and believes firmly in the righteousness and rightness of the templarate - loyalty for which he is much admired and respected by his superiors.


upbringing, skill acquisition, formative events


friends, family, enemies, contacts

intro name


appearance, voice, mannerisms, clothes and trappings


personality, moods, regular behaviour


upbringing, skill acquisition, formative events


friends, family, enemies, contacts


Race sex race Skills
Age category (n) Skill Points: spent/total
Profession profession (n) skill value rationale
Faith faith (n)
Class description (n/n)
Talents Inventory
Fast n weapon cap threshold reach
Graceful n
Hale n
Strong n
Tough n armour hard tiers enc/limit
Clever n tool cap test
Insightful n
Knowledgeable n attire environment
Perceptive n
Wilful n
Brave n
Persuasive n
Forceful n
Lucky n

Character Traits

name (n)
