
The famous Blue City of Solus is easily the most recognizable landmark of eastern Haedrasia. The name 'the blue city' is no metaphor - the entire city is bedecked in brilliant cerulean tile, made nowhere else in the world, and the banners and tiled canopies are all of the same vibrant hue. Fountains of ringing water are common, and even the people wear over-garments of varying blues and blue-greys on the streets. Standing mere leagues from the jagged ashen monuments that are the western mountains, Solus shines like a vein of sapphire amongst granite.

Region: Traždek-Ghania, Haedrasia
Total Population:
Demographics: 82% Haedrasian, 18% Ghanish
Government: Totalitarian Theocracy represented by a Primate, advised by a three-member native council.
Tech. Level: 6
Major Industry: Blue dyemaking, porcelain, fine pottery.
Major Religions: Imperatry Temple

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