The Baron

The man know to most as The Baron is a grizzled military veteran who says he served on the walls in the Bandit Wars. He lost both legs to a nasty wound, the origin of which becomes more and more outlandish and spectacular with each telling, but still The Baron remains a deadly man with a sword, and keeps his rusty old blade somewhere on his person at all times. The Baron set himself up as a grandfather figure to many of the street urchins of Ravvh. They act as his informants and messengers, making him one of the best rumor sources around, and he's willing to sell that information – but always in return for favors that help him and his children.


The Baron is painfully thin, his cheek bones show through his face and his skin is sallow and hangs from his bones. He wears a big thick beard, but his hair is cut short with a blunt knife. most striking, obviously, is that both of the Baron's legs end in stumps half way down the thigh. He keeps these bound, and uses a skid board to get around. As a result his arms are unusually muscular. His clothes are shabby beggar wear, but he always keeps a rusty old sword close at hand.


A spinner of tales and a font of endless information, often of dubious pedigree, The Baron is an essential part of the culture of Ravvh, seemingly an old beggar he plays the mad old man perfectly, but those who need his services quickly realize that the Baron's eyes are always open, and he sees a great deal more than most and deduces more. He keeps his army of orphan-informants, not from any great love of children, in fact he can be quite cruel to them at times if they fail him, but because children are small, fast and often overlooked.


Rumors about The Baron’s real background about, he’s certainly not the size of the Palisade Guard and nor does his old sword resemble that carried by the guardsmen. Some whisper that he was a commander of the rebel army during the bandit wars, others say he’s a legendary questing knight fallen on hard times, or the lost heir to a number of thrones real or imagined throughout the High Kingdom. Possibly the most entertaining states that he is Carin Uth-Ralis and that an impostor sits on the High King’s throne.


The Baron is exceptionally well connected, he never asks why anyone wants his information, he just gives it freely to those who have the coin for it. As a result the Baron has many contacts but few friends. His children serve out of necessity or avarice, and tend to move on after a couple of years or else simply disappear on one job or another. The Baron makes sure that he is never enough of a threat to anyone to be worth dealing with, and some even suggest he has connections to the Citizen's Militia.


Race sex race Skills
Age category (n) Skill Points: spent/total
Profession profession (n) skill value speciality value
Faith faith (n)
Class description (n/n)
Statistics Inventory
Agility n weapon attack damage reach
Beauty n
Constitution n
Dexterity n
Endurance n armour protection hardness durability
Initiative n
Strength n tools skill modifier
Intelligence n attire/misc notes
Knowledge n
Perception n
Will n
Wisdom n
Bravery n
Charm n
Leadership n
Negotiation n
Luck n
Plan Bipedal
Cycle Diurnal
Diet Omnivore
Inferior ESP 2

Character Traits

name (n)
